Available Services

woman wearing academic cap and dress selective focus photography

IEP Support and Development

Providing personalized support while utilzing data based decision making. Collaborate and develop appropriate education plans, ensuring the best outcomes for children with special needs. 

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Challenging Behavior Expertise

Offering evidence-based, effective behavior intervention strategies to address challenging behaviors and promote positive outcomes. Collaborate on development, implementation and progress monitoring for Functional Behavior Assessments and Behavior Intervention Plans.

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Parent Education and Empowerment

Empowering parents with the knowledge and resources they need to advocate for their child's educational rights and success. Provide referrals for community based supports.

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Paperwork and Communication

Review, develop, and monitor correspondence in order to ensure timely and compliant collaboration while meeting your child's needs.

Los niños de Guinea Ecuatorial se levantan cada día bajo una realidad que no es nada fácil.

En el barrio Patio Pérez de Malabo, surge Verano Útil, una iniciativa para niños y niñas que busca ser un espacio de encuentro y de unión; una forma de ofrecer unas vacaciones diferentes a los que no tie- nen otras oportunidades; una opción para no estar en la calle, en un entorno peligroso, y un momento en el que poder divertirse y convivir con otros.

Verano 2018.

MTSS and Evaluation

Explain and navigate through the process of identifying academic and behavioral challenges, while ensuring access to general education school supports and services. 

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Needs Assessments

Determine appropriate community based services and supports based on your familes needs. Administer academic and behavioral assessments to help identify strengths and areas of concerns which may impact your childs educational journey and beyond.

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Early Intervention & Transition

Whether you are a new caregiver of a child with special needs, or navigating the exciting transition from high school, we provide individualized support for your unique situation.

Young people studying outside together and looking involved

Academic Mentoring and Advising

Our experienced team offers one-on-one academic mentoring and advising. We help students set clear goals, plan their coursework, and stay on track for success in their educational journey.